Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Miscellany

I posted my memorial for the day yesterday. Just a note: Although I’m not sure I understand the purpose of war, I very much appreciate and am in awe of the sacrifice of our armed forces, whether they’re in combat or here at home.

So here’s some of my usual Monday drivel:

·         Dr. M rousted me out of the house at the crazy hour of 10:00 (yes, I know that’s not really early. Yes, I know an hour earlier would have been cooler. Your point?) to go to the Siebenthaler Fen for our May visit. Since it’s the last week of May. It was pretty warm, but there was a nice breeze and I enjoyed our ramble very much. I plan on making Dr. M do a whole post on our visit with all the pictures, so I’ll just share a couple few okay several here by way of teaser. I’ll post the link to his blog once his post is complete.

·         In a related note I wore shorts in public for the first time this season & was afraid that I’d frighten small children, but in fact the one small child we saw on our journey just said, “hey,” & didn’t seem afraid at all. So that’s good.

·         My tomato seedlings don’t look all that strong so we bought some plants at the Kroger yesterday. We’ll try to work with the seedlings too, but we wanted some healthier looking ones just in case.

·         I keep falling asleep on the futon in the evenings. That’s usually Dr. M’s job. I reckon I’m still fighting off this cough. The good news is that Mucinex totally takes away my appetite. In fact, unless someone points out an obvious flaw in the plan, I might just keep taking it until I get to my goal weight. Heh.

·         I struggled mightily this past weekend since the Braves were playing the Reds. Dr. M has no divided loyalties, so he was happy that the Braves took 2 out of 3. But Bronson’s so cute! Don’t worry if you don’t understand any of this – I know I’m strange.

OK, that’s enough of that. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday (if it is one for you). 


  1. You made me laugh about the shorts. Funny about the Mucinex. I think I bought some once because I thought I had fibromyalgia and was told that Mucinex works for that. I wish there was a super cure for weight loss. I need one!

  2. I felt the same way in vacation...shorts, white wasn't pretty! But thankfully I was not the only pale skinned person round the pool....


  3. wow, what a wonderful selection of pictures.

  4. I have something going on in my mouth that is making it weird to eat, unless it's cold. I was thinking today that this may not be a bad thing!

  5. Dear The Bug,
    I'm with everyone on the shorts--the pair I have are just awful, and the legs are blue-white . . .

    But the pictures are great! I love the iris. Thanks for a glimpse of the fens.

    Ann T.

  6. love the froggy pic with his big poppy eyes staring out of the water!

    I'm off to Spain soon and that really will show up the white legs!!

  7. I think that top photo would look great in your header.

    I have the same leg issues, but decided I really do not care what others think or say.

    Mucinex can help you lose weight, but it can also make you nuts after awhile.

  8. These photos were great. Love the frog and the bird in the birdhouse.

    My friend put on her bathing suit for the first time this season and went to the pool yesterday. She was mortified. The first time is always the worst.

  9. These photos were great. Love the frog and the bird in the birdhouse.

    My friend put on her bathing suit for the first time this season and went to the pool yesterday. She was mortified. The first time is always the worst.

  10. Great photos! Love the bird peeking out of her front door.

    Since I ride in padded bike shorts, I'm OVER the shorts issue!

    What bothers me is that I see LOTS of very robust people in shorts and I wonder, 'where the heck do they buy them?' because every time I'm looking for shorts I can't find anything that I would wear in public (other than when I'm biking).

  11. I'm with you on the shorts! My legs look more and more like road maps every year!

  12. I could just send you a jar of water from my faucet when we get back to Argentina -- worked wonders for me the first year we lived there :/ I lost 40 lbs. in 8 months.

    'Course I gained it all back once I got rid of the parasites :)


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