Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trying to Unspin my Head

My head is still trying to come to grips with the death of Osama Bin Laden. But while I’m reeling, other people are eloquently saying things that make a lot of sense. In case you’re struggling like I am, I decided to share their thoughts with you.

There’s SouthLakesMom at I didn’t Know That, who says, in part: 

I rejoice that a very dangerous mission, that has been ongoing for many years, and that has undoubtedly caused much harm to military and intelligence people involved in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden (OBL), is over…I mourn the loss of life because those who died lived in such darkness. 

You should read the rest of her post here – especially the end where she tells a story about her son that shames most of us (or maybe it’s just me).

And Erin at The Fierce Beagle, who says, in part: 

On the one hand, he had it coming…On the other hand, death is a time for grieving. I feel relief that he is gone, but I grieve for his death. Maybe not the end of his particular life as he chose to live it, but the one that he might have lived if he had been a better man, the one that all of us might live: a life of goodness, kindness, and peace. 

Her post also challenges me to try to be a better person – to remember that justice isn’t just something appropriate for other people. As she says, I’ve often behaved as though all along, what I’ve really been pledging is liberty and justice for me. Read the rest of her post here.

Barbara Crafton talked about the end of a chapter in her Almost Daily Emo today. She said: 

There was a time before Osama bin Laden became what he became. He came into the world as we all do: an innocent child. It was not God's intention for him to become a dealer in horror and death… And she said: Those of us whose hearts still skip a beat when we see a low-flying plane -- we are a little quiet. That he is gone yields a grim satisfaction, but it is something other than joy. A certain symmetry has been achieved, but not a single one of the 3,000 innocent will come back to us because Osama has died. 

Read the rest of the Emo here.

And lastly, my good friend Kim quotes Rumi on her blog Prayers for the Oft Traveled Road:

… Forget the nonsense categories
of there and here.
Race and nation and religion.
Starting point and destination.
You are soul and you are love,
not a sprite or an angel or a human being.
You are a Godman-womanGod-manGod-Godwoman.
No more questions now
as to what it is we are doing here.

No more questions as to what it is we are doing here. Sounds like a faraway dream to me. What do you think?


  1. Well done. I have referred my readers to your blog posting.

  2. I kind of tend to side with Martin Luther King Jr "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars."
    The current scenes of jubilation are an echo of the same scenes in various parts of the world after 9/11.

  3. I was deeply worried by the scenes of people outside the White House yelling "U-S-A, U-S-A" as if murdering someone was a good thing.

    Yes - he was a terrorist and committed atrocities and no doubt the world is a better place without him, but can killing someone ever be described "bringing them to justice"? Surely having a trial would have done that better?

  4. I think prayer is important. I do not know why he made the choices he did.
    I do not agree with them. I do not like the destruction and death that occurred.
    I like the quote Peter Goulding shared from Martin Luther King. Someone far wiser than I, may know what will heal all of this...

  5. I've always felt that Osama bin Laden was the personification of evil. In the wake of his death, I find myself considering the ramifications of his actions throughout the years. While the news speculates that he was unarmed, I recall the many thousands on that beautiful September morning who were also unarmed. It is them I choose to mourn.

  6. live by the sword, die by the sword. really, his karma left no other end for him. still, it is not a time for rejoicing. when god led the jews out of egypt and drowned the pharaoh's men, the jews were admonished by god not to celebrate. 'they are my creations too.'

  7. Why are you trying to unspin because a sought after man who has been in so-called hiding for 10 years has met his demise? I am not saying celebrate unless you want too but I wouldn't ponder to greatly over his death. You'll never know the specifics of 9/11, his death and if he were truly involved or not. There are tons of stories and research to help any cause you may feel.

  8. But the deed is done & there are many, many people who are resting a little more peaceful now.

  9. Hi Dana - thank you for sharing the words of those writers. I have been feeling much the same as the emotions they capture in their words. They say it so much better than I ever could though.

  10. The quote being attributed to MLK isn't actually entirely his. This is another example of The Interwebs becoming a primary source. Here's a great article to clear it all up.

    (Sorry, but I can't turn The English Teacher off.)

  11. I have mixed feelings as well. But one thing I do know (or at least I think I know) is that the joyous celebrations in the streets are inappropirate.

    I believe that all peaceful reactions are valid even when they don't reflect mine.

  12. Dana, thanks for including me.

    Nance, I had heard that the quote wasn't completely MLK as well...don't turn off the English teacher! We need you!

  13. Two comments in one post (it's waaaay past my bedtime!).

    Love to you, Sistah, for expressing these feelings about bin Laden.

    Love to you for your sleepiness. Allergies does that to me too, I can't keep my eyes open as the pollen is falling!


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