Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Old Lady in the Mirror

I’m sorry if you came here looking for the Random Dozen – I decided that I need to focus on one very important thing this week instead of giving you insight into 12 different boring intriguing facts. Yesterday at work I borrowed a ponytail holder because my hair was MAKING. ME. CRAZY. Seriously – I might have had some sort of hair related meltdown if my coworker hadn’t saved me.

Anyway. I pulled my hair back & went on my merry way. Then I went to the bathroom (I go, oh, about 8 times during an 8 hour workday). As I was washing my hands, singing the ABC song under my breath, I glanced at my hair in the mirror.

Hmm. Do I have flour in my hair? Get in a fight with a bobbin of white thread? What is that stuff in my hair?

Yes, the hair that doesn’t see the sun very often has been going seriously gray. Apparently my last color job didn’t touch this hair. I know that at 45 I should not be surprised by this. But, you know, except for the arthritis, gimpy shoulder, need for reading glasses, and cranky old lady attitude, I FEEL young. Wait – I’ve had the cranky old lady attitude my whole life, so that’s not new. I guess I should be happy now that I have the hair to match the attitude.

Dr. M predicts a L'Oreal saturation bombing soon. I wonder what color I’ll choose this time?


  1. Snorting.... mine is.. oh, like four colors now with the varied highlights? I had a patient the other day (as my head was bent over dressing her leg) say, "Oh, I love those gray highlights in your hair!" Huh? Uh, there's ashy brown, medium brown, streaks of BLONDE (thank you very much), but NO gray. If you see gray, it's mine, all mine.

  2. P.S. Oh, and check out my blog today girlie... you, my dear, are an official winner. No Publisher's Clearinghouse or anything, but...

  3. OMG love it!!!! Staying tuned for the color....LOL

  4. "But, you know, except for the arthritis, gimpy shoulder, need for reading glasses, and cranky old lady attitude, I FEEL young."

    :) You're two years younger than me, if it give you any comfort.

    I've been seeing grays pop up and I've taken to pulling them. Yes, eventually, I will rock the bald chick look.

  5. Aw, that's nothin'. Your lady in the mirror is much younger than mine. ;^)

  6. I'll be 60 this year and my hair is still dark. Oh there is some gray there but you had to look close to see it...until this past year. Now I fear I'm getting a silver spot at my temple.

  7. Oh, honey, don't you fret. You're in such good company with this aging thing. My grandmother was all white by the time she was 40 (her hair, that is, the rest of her was all white from birth), so I figure that with those genes I'm looking at premature dignity. I go back and forth with the coloring thing. Mostly I color when pictures for posterity are involved. Like when I got married. Just consider yourself part of an elite club, girlfriend.

  8. I can't remember when my grey started, but when it did I decided to hide it by going blonde. Then all my grey seemed to come in on... one side of my head only... and after awhile my hair was at least 4 different colors as Jayne described. Just recently went back to dark and be careful with Loreal. My daughter and I had bad experiences and think there are some bad batches of coloring out there. We have always used that product, but something is not right with it at this time. I think the dark colors hide the grey the best in my opinion....Good Luck!

  9. I bought a pair of books for my parents (my feeble attempt to get them on the Road to Health) called "Younger Next Year." (Great books for motivated oldsters, btw, but they haven't cracked 'em open even *sighs*) I learned something there that I try to carry with me, "...there is nothing you can do about the fact that as you age your hair and your skin will get weird."

    Yup, weird. I think he used the word "weird" because it was all he could think of that he could use to describe the huge variety and levels of Aging Opportunities (yes, I like that phrase, thank you very much *g*) we have among the population.

    I actually find comfort in that, kinda like the AA serenity prayer...can't change it, so I'll work on fixing something else.

    Of course, I DO have a standing monthly appointment with my color is much cheaper than prescription drugs or therapy sessions.

  10. Don't worry about the grey! You're as young as you feel!

  11. It's a sign of wisdom, Bug :-) That's what I tell myself, although I suspect myself of telling untruths to me!

    Don't forget to leave the color on for that extra five minutes recommended for gray hair. Like you, I've got naturally dark hair, and that's the thing that seems to make the difference.

    Otherwise I end up with...highlights. Yes, highlights, that's what they are!

  12. Silver threads amongst the gold. But not to worry, that's why God created L'Oreal Preference. :-) I am quite familiar with it.

  13. LOL!!! I was 75% grey by the time I was 45!!! My hairdresser is my best friend!! I say have fun with the color!!! Live on the wild side!!! :)

  14. The other day my darling husband picked a long highlighted hair off of my sweater and accused me of having grey hair. I told him I most certainly did not. That hair was distinctly blond as it should be since I am having an affair with Fabio!

  15. Welcome to my world...The world of grey hair. Grey hair makes us look distinguished but they don't say that about women. Sorry. I think you should go red. :)

  16. I'm 26 years old and I have wiry white hairs all over my head. I don't really care though, it might be my trademark, my signature.

  17. ...washing my hands, singing the ABC song under my breath...
    You do that too?? Ha!

    I'm so gray now. I keep thinking about color... but then I think about maintaining it. Ugh! Don't know what I'm going to do.

  18. I just want to correct one thing in your post: It is not gray, it is silver (lol) and I love it. My daughters hated me going gray, I mean silver, and they would search for the silver hairs and pull them out "OUCH". Now I also use a bit of artificial help to hide them... not because I do not like them, but to prevent me from ending up bold!


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