Saturday, January 2, 2010

Project 365

I've decided to participate in Project 365 - which just involves taking a picture each day & posting it to my blog once per week. The other participants will be posting on Sundays, but we all know that I already have a regular Sunday gig (yes, it will be back tomorrow), so I'm going to post mine on Saturdays. Go here to meet the author of this madness (Sara at make Music from your heart to the Lord) - if you check in on Sundays you can see the links to the other folks pictures. Since today is January 2 there are only two pictures for today's post.

Yesterday we took down some, not all, of our yard ornaments. Yes, Pooh & the Penguin are now back in hibernation until next year. I thought they looked a little poignant all deflated on the living room floor.

Today I enjoyed looking out at our finch feeder. It's always a busy place & vastly entertaining to see all the little busy bodies gobbling up their dinner (or breakfast in this case).

That's it for this week. We'll see how long I can keep it up - I am NOT a photographer, but I'm looking forward to seeing my world through a camera lens for at least a few minutes per day.


  1. I think this will be fun. I've seen it floating around on FB but have declined to participate. I'll look forward to your pics.

  2. Yaya, look forward to the results!

  3. I really like the photo you took of the finch feeders. You reminded me to remember our feathered friends in this freezing weather. Brrrr....

  4. Welcome - glad you are joining us!!
    Love the finches!!
    Your gonna love this project

  5. Love the picture of the birds!

  6. I love the finch feeder. I've had a few bird feeders here and have attracted cardinals and blue jays but the weeds that are produced from that seed is too much work for me. LOL!

    Welcome to Project 365!

  7. so glad you are joining us!!! but remember there is no pressure...if you miss a few, no big deal!! just jump right back in!

    the picture of the finches brought back a good memory of my mom's. We like to sit on their porch and watch the finches fight and flit around..they can be quit entertaining!!

  8. Welcome! Its such a fun project!

  9. You'll enjoy 365!

    I had to laugh at the photo of your deflated "buddies". That's sort of how I felt after staying up late to ring the new year in :-)

    Very cool photo of the feeders and birds!

  10. the finches tickle me hanging upside down...too funny

  11. Welcome to Project 365! My littlest one would cry if he knew that was Pooh as crumpled on the floor.
    So sad :(
    LOVE to see people feeding the birds it's a contest in our neighborhood -- to see who can attract the most birds. We usually lose because we have an owl living in the pine tree behind the garage :-o !
    Have a great week!

  12. I enjoyed your photos and how they are presented. How do you do that. I still have much to learn.
    I wonder where you live. Our birds have left us for the winter, even with food available.

  13. Welcome to Project 365...looking forward to reading your blog through this project!

    Happy New Year!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...