Saturday, January 16, 2010

Project 365 - Week Three

You know, while there is beauty in January, sometimes it's hard to find. Melting snow, gray skies, cold weather that makes me squinch my eyes. But that doesn't mean that life comes to a halt. Things happen and now that I'm viewing those things with a camera in mind they seem slightly more interesting. Who knows – perhaps someday I might even try to frame a picture instead of pointing & shooting. We'll see.

Dr. M & I are sharing photo duties – he takes more interesting pictures than I do. Plus his commute is often in more daylight than mine is.

This first picture, from Sunday, belies my opening paragraph. The frost on the trees and the red berries against our back fence are not only interesting, they're pretty. Dr. M took this one, proving that he finds beauty wherever he goes.

Monday's picture is another Dr. M special – see, he really does have a more interesting commute than I do! Quack!

On Tuesday I decided to take another picture of our little outside table, just to show how much more snow we got after last week's picture.


Wednesday, we have something growing on the top of the refrigerator! I promise we hadn't had these onions that long – this one was just ready to sprout, apparently! I kind of like it up there.

Dr. M took this picture on his way home from school on Thursday. There are lots of homes in our area which still have Christmas lights and decorations. I especially love the wagon wheel.

Friday I decided to have a coworker take a picture of me doing some of my physical therapy for my shoulder. I try to do these stretches every day, & when I'm at work I find that the conference room table is the perfect place!

Today I wanted to get this posted & couldn't think of a picture that wouldn't require that I leave my home. So I decided to show that at least one house in our neighborhood (ahem) still has fall decorations out. Perhaps it's time to retire the pumpkin? Heh.

Go here tomorrow to see the links for other folks participating in Project 365.


  1. Dr. M. does alright with the camera!! I wonder about the people who still have Christmas decorations put up, and some still turn them on!! Do they have a plan??

    Great pictures

  2. The photo of the pumpkin reminds me of how I've felt a couple nights during this vacation when we finally drag home after sight-seeing and having fun. lol Just sorta all done in :-)

    Gotta love the ducks-in-the-road photo! Quacked me up. (sorry, I've been married for 30 years to a guy who loves puns)

    Love your ingenuity in finding good places to do p.t. Keep up the good work!

    Have a great week!

  3. love the picture of the geese....aren't they supposed to go south for the winter?!

    your outside table looks like a big marshmallow!!

    who needs a PT when you have an umbrella and a conference table!! :)

    great week!

  4. Great photos Bug.

    I especially liked you on the conference table! Now that should give people something to talk about!

  5. I enjoyed your outdoor pictures !
    I think the fence could be one for a frame.
    I can't stand when people leave their decorations up all year round.
    Have a great week!!!

  6. The last one made me laugh - poor old pumpkin. You photo's are all very good and the one of the confernce room table is especailly interesting, made me think I should try it sometime and see the reaction I will get at work.

  7. Geese pic? Priceless. ;) Love the snow pix... wish we had more!

  8. Nice shots! Isn't it funny (and slightly annoying) how long people leave up their decorations? But, honestly, if the squirrels had not been eating my pumpkins, I might've still had mine up too!

  9. oh the geese :)
    oh the pt :)
    oh the snow :)
    you just made me smile all over the place today

  10. Very entertaining. I agree that beauty is harder to find in Jan...sorry about all that extra snow you got. Mercifully, it is raining here now...a rare treat this time of year...almost unheard of.

  11. Working out on the conference table...that's pretty funny! I took a picture of the pumpkin our neighbor still has in his garden yesterday. Too funny.

  12. Snow... snow... snow...

    I love the ducks crossing the road...that is too cute!

    I always knew a conference table could have multiple uses :-)

  13. i love the ducks crossing the road, i live near a pond and we have the same problem! it's quite funny, unless we are in a hurry!!!

  14. Great photos, you make a good team!
    Shoulder problems Dr. M can't fix? ;)

  15. Rita - he's a doctor of history, not medicine. So, although he feels he knows lots of things (just poking some fun at him), I don't depend on him for my medical issues LOL.

  16. LOVE the fowl crossing the street! I feel like I’m home here in this picture.

    Everyone in our neighborhood leave Christmas stuff up too -- some of us just tuck the lights in the gutter during summer since summer is really only about a week-and-a-half long anyway! Lol!

    I am glad you explained the conference room shot!

    Sad, sad, sad :( pumpkin...

  17. That is great use of an umbrella!
    And personally I think the pumpkin adds a great splash of color for the winter! :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...