Saturday, January 23, 2010

Project 365 - Week Four


I've been meaning to share a picture of our dish drain with family members (yes, I know this is strange). We don't have a lot of room for a drain, but we don't have a dishwasher so one is definitely necessary. Mike found this ingenious little bamboo one that fits the small space on the counter between the sink and the washer. Nifty! I had wanted to show one of my massive Towers o' Dishes, but had to settle for a medium tower because I was stumped for a Sunday picture & just needed to take this one. Ha!


Monday was the trip up to Springfield where we drove through Saylor Park.


When I arrived home on Tuesday this was the sight that greeted me. The small penguin from our Christmas display made it into the garage, where he got a prime seat on the rocking horse that Dr. M's dad made for us. Dr. M plugged him in to amuse me. It worked!


My sister-in-law B made scarves for Christmas presents this year. I was very lucky to get this lovely green & blue number. I've been wearing it with my winter coat, but on Wednesday I decided to wear it as part of my work outfit – I thought it matched my turtleneck quite well.


Here's another item I've been wanting to show off. Dr. M wanted to start taking sandwiches to school last semester which reawakened my uber-guilt about using sandwich baggies. I did some research on the internet & ordered two of these sandwich wraps. As you can see, the inside of the wrap is some sort of plastic material that can be wiped off & the outside is cloth. It functions as a placemat when it's unwrapped. I love them! I even got the snack wraps too – they're more of a bag that we can put chips or other types of snacks in. I took tuna sandwiches to work this week & didn't use one baggie.


Friday night Dr. M & I went out for Mexican. It was quite yummy. I was going to take a picture of my plate, but I find that most of my food pictures look extra unappetizing. Blech! Instead Dr. M took a picture of the cat from next door. He's a very fat black & white beauty. We tolerate him stalking the finch feeders because he's kind of slow & dumb. He doesn't ever seem to catch anything LOL. In this picture he looks sort of demonic, but he's really a sweetie.


Today is laundry day, but I'm not taking a picture of our dirty clothes! Although, hmmm – we have a pretty cool "laundry center." There's an idea for a day next week when I can't think of anything else. Today I took a picture of the Encyclopedia of Northern Kentucky for which Dr. M contributed an entry on Lynching (we got our copy of the book this week). Can you believe that they needed a book this size for just northern Kentucky? Wow. It's pretty thorough. I'm quite proud of Dr. M's contribution. His dissertation was about the treatment of freed people in Kentucky after the civil war, so this is right down his alley.

Go here tomorrow to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. What a fun group of pics! I love the scarf & it does match your top. You look cute!

    I also like the "no plastic baggies" wraps for sandwiches & things. Very cool. :)

  2. That scarf looks very pretty on you!

    I have a dish drainer exactly like yours. I have a dishwasher, but I use the disher drainer occasionally for small things.

  3. I have a dish drainer just like that one! And it gets mountainous too.

    Nice scarf but I wouldn't call your blouse a turtleneck...I can see your neck. If it's not strangling you, it's not a turtleneck.

    When the kids were in school and I would pack their lunch I would send stuff in small containers which they were supposed to bring home along with the lunch bag for re-use if possible. I would make bags out of wax paper for their chips (refusing to use plastic bags or buy individual bags of chips...too much packaging. They took an awful lot of teasing about their hippie mom.

  4. We used to have a drainer like that and I want one again. We're got this awful plastic thing now and I hate it. Those reusable sandwich things are a great idea too. Congrats to Dr M for getting write for an encyclopaedia! I really enjoyed the variety in the picture this week.

  5. great pics this week!!

    love the scarf....of course I love most scarfs!!

    those lunch wraps are very cool. where did you get those?

    And congrats to Dr. cool!

  6. LOVE the bamboo dish drain. We had one when we were first married. It’d NeVeR work for us now. I think we ended up throwing it away because the wood got all black and mildew’ey & rotted. :-o
    ... also like thosa' sandwich wrappers. Ingenious!

    SCARFS!!!! I love any scarf. This is really nice

    Cool – when the cats look DeMoNiC!

  7. Love the scarf picture...very cool. The scarf looked very nice too!

    Love the bamboo dish drainer. I do have a dishwasher and just put handwash items on a towel, but your drainer it quite stylish. I may keep my eye out for one!

  8. Great pictures this week. I love the tower of dishes...thank goodness we have a dishwasher, and plenty of dish dryers for our washed dishes!!

    I also refuse to use baggies, but I put them in tupperware...I am going to have to look for these because tupperware takes up so much darn room in the lunch boxes.

    Thanks for sharing


  9. Interesting week of photos! It's sometimes tricky finding dish racks the right size. A man had to have designed my current kitchen as there's almost no counter space by the sink. I have a small dish rack on the tiny sliver of counter that holds something like 8 plates and 3 cups... so I'm always putting the 'overflow' on towels on a counter across the room.

    Like the reusable sandwich bag idea. I recycle my zip locks and use them again and again until they develop leaks. I did that in Uganda too. Just not easy to come by so there's no way I'm only going to use them once! I wash them well and sterilize with boiling water, then hang on the line to dry :-)

    That scarf is beautiful and it's a lovely accent piece for your outfit.

    BTW, enjoying your Sundays in Zambia series too!

  10. That dish drainer looks exactly like the one hubs and I used when we first married. ;) Okay, sandwich wraps... how ingenious is that?! Gotta love efficiency!

  11. Great pics! The scarf is beautiful, I have the same dish drain - my only complaint is where to put the utensils?! - they always fall through :( and nice wraps!

  12. Love the lunch wraps!

    Your scarf looks lovely.

  13. the scarf is dd's favorite colors!
    i have a drainer like that
    like the sandwich wrap idea

  14. Cute penguin :); lovely scarf; I very practical sandwich wraps (I bookmarked the site); scary cat eyes; lynching...hmmmm...the last one was in a city close by, Marion, IN. Sad. Congrats to doc for publicatiion!
    Have a great week!

  15. I like the scar and the drainer. Those lunch wrap things are cool!

  16. Where EXACTLY is Saylor Park? Springfield where?? (What state?) My daughter's name is Saylor...that's the reason I ask.

    And I will totally be checking out those sandwich wraps!! So cool!

  17. Great 365!

    I took a pictures of my pots and pans in my sink. Amazing what 365 does to you view of what is photo worthy.

    Have a great picture taking week!


  18. those are great photos for this week! love that cat's glowing eyes :)

    u may view mine here

  19. Beautiful scarf!!!

    I've been looking for a nice dish drainer... all of them seem too bulky or cheezy feeling - like it'll break under the pressure of my 100 pans I need to wash! :)

  20. I'm always guilt ridden about using sandwich bags and try to do washable plastic as often as possible.

    I love that the two of you are sharing the 365 "responsibility". Nice to see different perspectives. And I continue to be amused by the little things that amuse the two of you.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...