Thursday, January 7, 2010

This, That, & T'other Thing...


First - I have been super remiss. I'm not going back & checking, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't updated you guys on my health goals in at least three weeks. So. Still plugging along. Renewed vigor this week. Down three pounds since the beginning. Since my goal was to maintain my weight over the holidays I'd say Score! Now it's time to get a little more serious. The one component that I'm not being very successful with is exercise. I may have to have someone (Dr. M perhaps?) give me a thump each evening to get me up & at 'em. I'll work on that this week & report back to you next Friday.


I WON something! Jayne at Journey Through Grace had a giveaway of her favorite music & I was one of the winners! I'm so excited. And this reminds me that Amy at *All Things Ro is ready to pass on the book from the I Won, You Win giveaway tomorrow. Go to her site to enter.


Like a lot of you, we're getting a nice little snowstorm. I thought I'd share some pictures. I actually stopped in the middle of the road on my way home to take a couple of them! Fortunately there weren't any other cars going my way at the time...

This is a small sheep farm I get to drive by every day. Lots of times there is at least one sheep on top of the hay - makes me smile every time.

Lest you wonder if the middle of Ohio is flat

Oh my heavens that little penguin is drenched in snow!

Here's a closeup...

Penguin luminaries - heh.

Finches in snow...

The End


  1. Those penguins make me smile. As it is my daughter's latest fad I am constantly on the search for penguin stuff. It seems to be everywhere these days. So fun. At least she isn't obsessed with spiders...ha ha!

    Great blog post and good luck on the problem is the kitchen. I need to seriously duct tape my mouth shut.


  2. Hey, maintaining during the holidays is success! :c)

    Your CD should get to you by Monday and I hope you love it!

    We got some snow yesterday, which today is mostly just crunchy ice.

  3. Yup, it's flat in these parts, isn't it? I think maybe we have more snow than you, though. And it's still coming down over here! Enjoy it!

  4. Yes indeed-maintaining through the Holidays is what I consider a grand success. I'm having a hard time getting my exercise in as well with the cold weather. It is just too cold to go to the gym after work (at least that is my current rationale).

    I'm sorry to say it but I'm glad to see your snow and not my own. Lovely photos though.

  5. Oh, I'm so jealous that you pass that sheep farm. I used to drive by a cow farm that had a cow dog that got on top of the hay roll. Always regretted that I didn't have my camera for that.

    But more importantly, congrats on the weight thing! I've had modest success, too (pants are fitting a tad better), so I think we should celebrate together. I'd love to be able to play in the snow with you. Our snowfall was a travesty. Not even an inch. Blech.

    I love your penguins. I'm sure they feel right at home in the snow and cold!

  6. You did wonderfully with your weight management over the holidays, Bug! Well done, you!

    I'm amused by the snowy, penguin sentries, guarding the little snow covered home. I say you leave them out there in July, just to be strange.

  7. I don't know...I saw some hills. Here, the only thing flatter than my chest is the land.

  8. Congrats on the three pounds. I desperately need to start exercising on a regular basis. The penguins are cute.

  9. The snow in your pictures is very photogenic!

    As for your weight issue, keep up the good work!

  10. Great job on the three pounds. Hang in there on the exercise. Actually, I became a runner by convincing myself that I was running away. The fact that I kept ending up at home was only a mere annoying fact.

  11. Urgh, snow. It's times like this I don't envy those living in the midwest; namely, myself.

  12. this post makes me (kind-of) miss snow....but then i step outside here in florida and feel like i am living back north!


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