Sunday, June 6, 2010


Here, finally, is the Butterfly Exhibit post. Dr. M & I went with Daddy & Amy & we enjoyed it quite a bit (there was a bonus visit to the small aquarium there, but that's a post for another day). I had thought that it might be too hot & humid for comfort, but it was really fairly pleasant. Although I was dripping by the time we left, I didn't feel that hot.

The butterflies were busy

Doing their butterfly thing

Hither and yon

Yon and hither

Mostly ignoring

The "other" beings

In their midst.

Fixing their gazes

On that most important thing



  1. how enjoyable! thanks for sharing!

  2. Dear The Bug,
    Oh, aren't these wonderful? Thanks for giving us all a bit of a lift!

    Ann T.

  3. Very cool. Pop quiz...what are the butterflies in your pictures?

  4. Beautiful photos and a wonderful narrative. Niagara FAlls has Butterfly Exhibit we visited a few years ago. You've made me want to return.

  5. Lunch! They certainly got that right. Fabulous shots.

  6. LOVELY photos, and I am now inspired to make a stop at the next available butterfly habitat. They are irresistible to a photographer, no?

  7. I love this pictorial essay on lepidoptera. The colors are magnificent, a visual symphany!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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