Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Jumping on the Thankfulness bandwagon this week because I was slack working on a project and didn’t post anything yesterday.

• I’m thankful that it’s Thursday! Tomorrow I can wear jeans to work & be ready to jump into the weekend.

• I’m thankful that Dr. M is done teaching for the week. This summer he teaches evening classes on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. I don’t mind one evening a week to myself, but three is a bit harder. It helps that it’s daylight for so much longer – I can putter around outside (when I’m not working on the aforementioned project) & occupy myself with almost anything other than cleaning.

• I’m thankful that it’s a gorgeous day – we’ve had a lot of rain lately and seeing the sun is nice.

• I’m thankful for the salad I just ate – there was just a little bit of lettuce left so I had that with a small cucumber, banana peppers, turkey pepperoni & shredded cheese.

• I’m thankful that our garden still looks pretty healthy. Dr. M does have a green thumb even if I don’t.

• I’m thankful that I finally got the oil changed in my car. 3,000 miles? 5,000 miles? I think 7,000 is soon enough! (Don’t worry – it was closer to 5,000).

Hopefully I’ll finish my project tonight & post it tomorrow. Or there could be technical difficulties. It’s all Jeanne Iris’ fault.


  1. Lots to be thankful about. This was fun to read!

  2. Does anyone change their oil religiously at 3000 miles?? You'd think with all the advances in the world we would be able to get that number a little higher...I'll get right on that :)

  3. I'm thankful for YOU! Glad your week has some light radiating from it. Bring on the weekend!

  4. Dear The Bug,
    That salad sounds good. It's What's for Dinner!! Tomorrow.

    Have excellent luck on your project!
    Ann T.

  5. A good thankful list! That salad did sound really tasty. :c)


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