Saturday, February 19, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Eight

This week the star of the show is that old devil moon. Although I don’t know what’s so devilish about it – I think it’s lovely :)

Sunday, February 13th      
Finches! We’ve been so fascinated by the other birds this winter that we haven’t posted many pictures of our finches.

Look! It’s NON-indignant penguins! We are finally thawing out here in the middle of Ohio.

Signs of life – yay!

Monday, February 14th  
Here is the State of the Bug. Can you tell where I am? I had a dental appointment at 7:00 a.m. on Valentine’s Day. But since I didn’t have any cavities or other traumas I considered it a good thing.

Well hallelujah, the Tax Time Pig has put on a new outfit. There are hearts on the “dress” but otherwise I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here. Heh.

Tuesday, February 15th
My sweetie brought me flowers, candy and a card for Valentine’s Day. Of course, we didn’t get a picture of the flowers until the next day – gorgeous! 

Here’s our weekly squirrel. 

While Dr. M was photographing squirrels & flowers, I was taking a picture of the goose deterrent at work. I think it’s hilarious when I see the guard headed out in the morning to put Mr. Coyote in a strategic place to scare the geese off.

Wednesday, February 16th
Dr. M took this picture of some horses he sees every day. The one horse is saying to the other horse, “See, it’s that crazy guy with a camera again!”

Our first moon picture of the week.

And here’s one later that night – you can tell it’s not quite full.

Thursday, February 17th     
As I was leaving for work we had this great sunrise. This is how I can tell the days are getting longer – usually I leave in the dark & the sunrise is behind me so I never see it. Dr. M was taking these pictures as I drove away.


My flowers are still pretty…

I had lunch with an octogenarian friend. She’s a wonderful liberal (a Rachel Maddow fanatic) and I enjoy hearing her take on the world. We can talk religion & politics without worrying about getting annoyed with each other.

I had the Chicken Pesto Pizza – I only ate half of this plateful. I love it when I get to pay for lunch one day & eat for two days - & it was just as tasty on Friday.

Friday, February 18th
Dr. M took this rather artsy picture of some geese on the move.

He had a late meeting & on his way home he called & said, “Put your shoes on – I have something to show you!” So when he pulled into the driveway I ran out to the car – I felt like a teenager on a date. He took me to our local park where we could see the full moon in all its glory. I took this picture of the moon over the water (water – not ice!).

Saturday, February 19th
Dr. M has been trying to remember how to adjust the camera settings to get a good picture of the moon. This morning he was successful! Here’s his 6:48 a.m shot.

And here’s the one from one minute later – I love how the outlines of the trees are just visible (click on the picture to make it larger).

Bonus: tonight's slightly waning moon!
Manual settings: ISO 200, f/7.1, 1/400

P.S. Happy birthday Jenrod! You know who you are :)

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Gorgeous moon pics! What's Dr. Bug's secret settings?

  2. Glad you guys are finally thawing out:) Great sunrise pics! Have a GREAT week.

  3. Great pics again. Could the taxtime pig be Pigpi Longstocking? (I know, I know...that was bad!)

    And I also love when I buy lunch and I get to have leftovers. Especially when it's pizza. 'Course it never quite makes it for lunch since pizza is the perfect breakfast food.

  4. does the legless fake coyote really work?

  5. I got to wear that lovely dental big this week, as well! You got some wonderful moon snaps!

  6. That moon is STUNNING!! I really need to get a tripod for my camera. I don't have steady enough hands to take awesome pictures like that! Lol

  7. Bekah: I set the camera to shutter priority instead of any of the auto options. That gave me minimum aperture so I could shoot faster shutter speeds. I also made sure the ISO was set at 200. Best results were with shutter speeds from 800 down to 200. Much slower than that and you begin to get the ball of light instead of surface detail.

  8. What? No ice? :c) Love that sunrise and the moon shots! Congrats on "No Cavities!"

  9. It's Pippy Longstocking Pig on Valentine's Day! :)
    Some VERY cool moon shots!!!
    Lovely, lovely flowers.
    Lovely sunrise photos too.
    The final moon shot over the water is STUNNING!

  10. kim beat me to the Pippi comment! that's who it reminded me of, too!
    your last moon shot is AMAZING...i have a moon shot, too, this week :)

  11. Lots of moon pictures this week. That's #4 that I have seen (including mine).

    Are you loving the thawed out weather?

    Your pizza looked yummy!

  12. I'm so glad you do this weekly post. It allows me to catch up on what you see and do.

    On Thursday, coming back on the boat from Key West, I snapped a photo of the sunset on the starboard side of the boat and turned around to snap a photo of an almost full moon rising on the port side. was a beautiful evening.

  13. I'm loving those moon shots and does that coyote really deter anything,ever?

  14. What cool pictures. Loved the moon one. It was awesome. Can't believe the coyote picture. We have some in our area...have not managed to get a shot of one yet. Geese flying in the V formation is one of my favorite things. Thanks for sharing Pippy Longstocking Pig too. I had to laugh. Your flowers were beautiful.

  15. It looks like they're trying to do a Piggy Longstocking thing with the pig. That pizza looks amazing.

    Have a blessed week,

  16. Great picks. The tax time pig needs wooden clogs to go with those pigtails... ha, ha, ha. I just realized they're PIG-tails. Cracking myself up here.

    Loved the moon shots. Last night when I woke in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (TMI), the moon was incredibly bright.

  17. did you know that geese won't go over a string? If you string some string between 2 posts about 2 inches off the ground, it will stop the geese!! My friends tried this at their lake house where geese are a BIG problem and it works!!!

  18. Mac and I were talking about how brillant the moon was this past week...I even thought of pulling over and taking a pic of it but didn't!! Your pics are breathtaking...I even called Mac in here to look at your pics! So beautiful! and the tax time pig looks like pippy longstocking!

  19. Mr Coyote scares me...

    Look at your beautiful roses...

    So I guess the pig has turned into Heidi?

    Go girl for a good dental visit! I'm sure the state of the Bug would have looked MUCH different if it were otherwise!

  20. Oh the joys of dental work, glad you did not have any cavities :)

    You were busy this week with all your pictures.

    Absolutely amazing sunrise! What an awesome way to start the day!


  21. Awesome moon shots! Hey, you have no snow...what's up with that??

    Love it when my husband says he has a surprise. The longer you are married, the harder that is to do. :)

  22. Mr. M is a keeper! First the flowers, then the moonlight walk in the park. What a romantic!
    And always the nature photographer. Well, both of you really. Beauties all--birds, squirrel, whispering horses, flying geese, sunrises...
    The fake creatures are funny. Who dresses the pig, anyway?

  23. Oh, and the main character--the moon, of course!!! B.e.aUtiful!

  24. WOW!! The moon pics are amazing!!! I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to figure out how to get shots like that.
    Your man was ultra-romantic this week, no? Roses AND moonlight in the park. What a sweet week!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...