Saturday, June 5, 2010

Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

Why are you looking here? There are no Important Matters this week. Heh.

Sunday, May 30th
On Sunday we were still in NC. After church (where Amy read her wonderful essay), I went with my cousin H and sister-in-law B to see another cousin's brand new baby. P is so cute! Aren't she & her mama precious in this picture?

When I got back to Daddy's house he & Amy were making homemade ice cream – Sundrop banana! Yum!

Monday, May 31st
Monday was our trip back home. I've already shared some pictures from that journey. Here are a couple more. They're both from our stop in Charleston, West Virginia. The first one is a picture of Dr. M standing in front of their most excellent 20th century war memorial. They have sides for WWI, WWII, Vietnam, and Korea. Inside the monument were carved the names of those West Virginians who had died in those wars.

And here is a close-up of one of the magnolia blossoms near the capital. Gorgeous!

Tuesday, June 1st
On Tuesday we reacquainted ourselves with our plants. Aren't the tomato plants lovely? You'll see them again in the Saturday pictures.

And here are some of our pansies & the begonias. We were so impressed with how well they did while we were gone. They were saying, "Oh no! The watering man is back! Make him go away again!" Dr. M tends to have a heavy hand with the watering can (as you can see from the water droplet on one of the begonia blossoms).

Wednesday, June 2nd
On Wednesday I came home to a new hanging basket. Petunias are so cheerful, I think. This is also the day that Dr. M started the project he finished on Saturday.

Thursday, June 3rd
Guess what time it is? Tax Time Pig Time! This week she was dressed for Memorial Day. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is she wearing a little skirt & just a flag for a top? Racy! Someday I'll actually get out of my car to take her picture – so far I'm just pointing & shooting through the front windshield.

Friday, June 4th
I was enjoying some Skinny Cow ice cream on the swing when Dr. M rounded the corner with the camera. I mostly wanted you to see my spicy teal toenails (click on the picture to make it larger - although, really, I don't need to be larger!). I usually pick some sort of neutral polish, but decided to get some to match my purse. I'm a wild woman!

It's been a while since I showed you one of our finch pictures. They still love to hang around the feeders – although not as much as in winter, obviously. They're such cheerful little suckers, don't you think?

Saturday, June 5th
Dr. M has decided that we need to take up gardening in earnest. Well, at least as earnest as we have he has energy for. This week he bought kits to make these raised beds. I can't wait to see everything grow! He's already moved the tomato plants into one & put some bell pepper plants in the other. Today we found some cilantro (after I realized that cilantro & coriander are the same thing. Duh.). Aren't the boxes lovely?

And at long last we've put a tomato plant in the Topsy Turvy. We bought the plant while we were out looking for cilantro. We figured it would be a while before our seed grown tomato plants would be ready so we wanted something that might have tomatoes sooner. When we moved into this house I had a dream of growing my own tomatoes. Now I think it might actually come true – sort of (in that Dr. M is pretty much doing all the growing). I'll help eat them though!

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Spicy teal toenails: Now THAT's racy! :D

  2. Oo-la-la! Love the teal toenails :D

    Haven't had time to plant our winter garden yet; not sure we will. A friend who recently visited brought me dill seed though so I'm going to at least plant a small pot of that. I am SOOOO craving some dill pickles. lol

    Meanwhile I'll just enjoy all y'alls gardens :-) Nothing like a fresh tomato!

    Always enjoy seeing what the Pampered Pig is wearing. lol That has to be the best dressed pig east of the Mississippi!

  3. These kind of posts always challenge my memory. I can usually only remember one or two things you show us. So I have to go with the yummy looking homemade ice cream post (recipe...please) and the war memorial. Oh wait and the beautiful baby with all that dark hair. Oh yes...and the teal toenails. How did I do? Haheha

  4. Your gardening plans are ambitious! (at least to me)... my girls are begging for a Topsy-Turvy. let me know how it works out!

  5. My magnolias (one at the country house, one at the city house) are blooming profusely! We planted the one in the city.

    Let me know how that upside down tomato thingy works.

  6. I like that Skinny Cow ice cream, too, but those little containers don't stay in stock at our supermarket here.

    Wonderful picture of baby and Mama! Fun in NC!

  7. Those magnolias were lovely.
    LOVE the spicy nails! Spicy nails and possibly getting out of the car for the pig picture...what will you do next?! :)
    I have a good friend that is doing the raised boxes and is loving it! Will be curious to hear and see how yours turn out.
    Have a super week!!

  8. Ah, you got some new baby goodness this week too!

    All your flower pictures are beautiful and I like that you "stop and smell the roses".

    What a nice memorial...glad your trip went well. As always, love the little extra you do on your photo borders.

  9. Still lovin' the pig!
    Looks like you had a wonderful visit with family - isn't that what we love about holidays?!
    Good luck with your garden! I'll look forward to seeing how the topsy turvy tomato plant works!

  10. As a complete non-green-fingered type, it's nice to see all the growing plants this week!

  11. It seems like everyone is doing a garden this year. Yours looks great, I wouldn't mind having one in the boxes you have :)

  12. My garden is coming in like crazy. I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor, there is just nothing better than a home grown tomato!


  13. I have GOT to get myself an ice-cream maker! You look so pretty in that top shot. (Sorry, I can't refer specifically because the pics don't show in the original on this page.


  14. Your garden is looking good. The flowers are beautiful.

  15. Tried the topsy turveys last year - just a tip - you have to water them for them to grow tomatoes. Needless to say, we planted in the ground this year after we tore out a shrub to make room. Love the pig... too funny. We had a pair of finches at our window a couple of weeks ago... one of my favs!! Have a great week.

  16. I love your toenails! I am a pedi junkie!! Blue toenails are the best! And so many beautiful flowers on your post this it! That pig is! What are people thinking?! And I have seen the strawberry topsy turvy...(we are not tomato fans) and was thinking about getting it! Hope you have a great week!

  17. Oh, that's a sweet mama and baby pic.

    Tres cute toenails!! You ARE wild! ;)

    Cilantro and coriander are the same? Really??!!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...