Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

I'm starting a tradition of talking about Important Matters before I get to the pictures. Or at least I did it last week & I'm doing it this week.

First – I PASSED MY NOTARY EXAM!! I know – I'm as shocked as you are. I love how they worded the letter: "I will cause the successful application blanks to be signed…" What if the application blanks were unsuccessful?

Next – we went to North Carolina on Wednesday to see our families. We just got back yesterday & I am completely & totally behind on reading blogs. You will most likely not be getting comments from me this week (if you do get a comment it's because I FORGOT THAT I DON'T HAVE TIME). You will find this almost as shocking as me passing the notary exam – I had to actually work today instead of reading blogs. Apparently when you're out for three days (plus a holiday) work accumulates. Who knew? This is why there aren't any cute frames this week. Corners had to be cut. Sorry!

OK – now onto the pictures for the week.

Sunday, May 23rd

On Sunday I went to a multi-church gathering to watch three of our own be confirmed by the Bishop into the Episcopal Church. It was quite a dealio – LOTS of people from different churches were confirmed, & there was one baptism (the cutest little baby – I wish I had gotten a picture. As a former Southern Baptist I'm still not totally comfortable with infant baptism, but I enjoy the ceremony).

Monday, May 24th
 Here's the weekly tomato update. Aren't they getting big? You should see them now (but you have to wait until next week – sorry).

The neighbors got a puppy. His name is Hunter & he's really cute. I love how he looks like he's stalking something in this picture. Does he think he's a cat?

Tuesday, May 25th

On Tuesday I spent a wonderful evening reading comics & blogs in the swing (after I vacuumed – blech).

Wednesday, May 26th

After I took my notary exam we headed south to see our families in North Carolina. Here's a highway picture. As you can see we have to drive through some awfully desolate country to get to NC. Heh.

North Carolina knows how to treat its medians – poppies! It's one of my VERY favorite sights in the spring.

Thursday, May 27th

Thursday we took so many pictures that I had a very difficult time choosing. The only thing that made my task easier was that I decided to do separate blog posts about our activities. Here's a sneak preview of one of them – we visited the butterfly exhibit at the Science Center.

Daddy found a black snake taunting his dogs (from the other side of the fence of course). It caused much excitement, as you might imagine.

Here is Amy working on some bread dough. You can tell she enjoys her task. Which reminds me, we totally forgot to bring any bread back with us. For shame!

Friday, May 28th

On Friday I wandered around the "farm" & took some random shots. My one of the four leaf clover I found didn't turn out. Darn. Here is daddy on his Gravely (it's his baby).

His new composter…

Which he needs for this garden! Here you can see their garlic (which I thought was short corn), some viney thing (Beans? Okra? Tomatoes? Help me out here people!), lettuce (I ate some for breakfast yesterday – lettuce, strawberries, hardboiled egg, rotisserie chicken, pecans – it was pretty yummy), rhubarb and in the background their blueberries. We're going back later in the summer so we can participate in eating some more of the great stuff!

Saturday, May 29th

On Saturday I went with Dr. M to visit his mother in the nursing home. She is going great – we're so pleased with all the progress she's made since her accident last year at the end of April. Aren't they a cute couple?

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. love the tomatoes! and congrats on passing your exam.

    as for the snakes -- i hack them with my machete when i come across them while gardening. not very proper for a vegan to do, but i don't like being startled by them!

  2. Love the butterfly in your hair!

  3. I was wondering where your pictures were this week.

  4. Beautiful garden and poppies too. I love when medians are naturalized like that. Any rhubarb in the garden?

    Congratulations on your exam, you're smart!

  5. (Duh. You already told me at sync that your dad had strawberries AND rhubarb. I can be such a dolt.)

  6. I'm with ya on the baby baptism.. I too was raised Southern baptist... but it cant HURT, right? :)

    That snake freaks me out... snakes totally give me the hibby-jibbies!!!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS! Loved the photographs.

  8. Congrats on passing your Notary Exam! Not sure it'll save you from the zombies though LOL.

  9. So glad for the update on your week. As for the snake... I know that black snakes are good--they keep bad things at bay and they're not interested in hurting you. But I have to say that seeing it all coiled up the way it was--eWWWWWWWW!

    Looking forward to your posts.

  10. Hi, Dana,
    God bless your mother in law, as you shared with me that she's had mini-strokes since your visit. I loved the pictures. Blessings on your family.

  11. They say when a butterfly lands on you it's good luck. :)
    I love the cabinets behind Amy in the bread picture! Gorgeous!!
    Tomatoes are looking good and congrats on becoming a notary!
    Have a super rest of your week!!

  12. Hunter really is cute. Congrats on passing the exam!

  13. What a fun trip! Thanks for sharing all of the photos... Congrats on the passing your exam!

  14. Dear The Bug,
    I am not surprised at you passing the exam! Congratulations, and may you notarize with distinction!

    I'm working backward, so now I see the picture of Dr. M's mom. She is a lovely lady. I am wishing her all the best.

    Ann T.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...