Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Thirty

My goodness what a hot week! And yet through some fluke that no one can figure out, my boss’s office is 68 degrees. When he opens the door into my area it’s nice for a minute & then it’s Ice Cube Toes Time.

This week features the return of the weekly squirrel, and our star attractions, the suet feeder and cement pond.

Sunday, July 17th   
Why here’s the weekly squirrel now! ON the suet feeder. Silly boy.

Pool party!

More visitors to the suet feeder.

Monday, July 18th
I had my first pre-op visit to the hospital. I toured my room (it’s huge! Anyone want to come for a party on Tuesday the 9th?), gave more blood & talked about all the stuff I have to remember to do.

I would dearly love to have a clothesline, but with all the bird activity in our back yard that seems to be not a good idea. Sometimes I compromise – the swing is far enough away from the feeders that it feels somewhat safe.

After I took the towel picture I toured the yard.

Tuesday, July 19th   
Here is the State of the Bug. Sitting in my car at work thawing out those Ice Cube Toes.

Apparently we have to have a weekly lily picture too.


Our friend C gave us this bowl that she made in pottery class. I thought it was the perfect place to put my last apple.

Our cypress vines have finally started blooming. They’re a lot later this year than last year. I’ve been waiting impatiently because we don’t have a hummingbird feeder – this is how we get the little buggers to come into our yard.

Wednesday, July 20th  
For some reason the license plate on this Mercedes offended me. I have a real problem with a theology that indicates that if you’re poor you’re not being faithful to God. I’m pretty sure that’s not what Jesus was all about. Of course, this could just be sour grapes on my part because I don’t know a thing about the person driving the car. I just made up a whole story about them based on their license plate! And of course I don't want to imply that if you're successful you're not a good Christian. I'm shutting up now :)

Thursday, July 21st      
This is a popular vacation destination in our neck of the woods. Filled up twice a day (or more) this week by Dr. M and his faithful sidekick The Bug. Well, I filled it up once. I don't know why I find the cowbird to be so lovely - that sleek brown head just draws me in.

Friday, July 22nd
This was supposed to be the Tax Time Pig, but someone was coming up behind me so I just stuck the camera out of the window & clicked. Unsuccessfully as you can see. So just imagine a concrete pig with a ginormous Winnie-the-Pooh on its back.

Dr. M was more successful getting pictures of the suet feeder – this is the guy we were trying to attract with the food.

And here's a pompous cardinal. I don't know why, but I just think that they look like they think they're better than everyone else. And why not? Pretty bird!

Saturday, July 23rd
We might wish for a woodpecker, but these guys are vastly entertaining – the feeder just goes around and around while they take off & land on it. I wonder how they don’t get seasick!

I think our Texas lilies are going to bloom pretty soon!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!


  1. Oh yay! I was going to double orange day lilies? Geat pictures this week.

  2. i love the bird tales... you have such prettier birds than we do. had to read your text about the license plate to hubs so we could both *giggle*. if only we had a $1 for every sermon we've heard about prosperity. ;)

  3. Oh, I can totally take one thing that someone has on their car & make up whole stories about their lives myself :)

    I love home made pottery.. what a cute little bowl. Perfect for fruit.. better with Ice cream in it :)

    Party? I'm there :) Minus the needles to give blood... sorry :)

  4. I love the variety of birds you get. I'd love to get a bird bath next summer.

    Hugs & love,

  5. Dear Bug,
    I'm so sorry you are going to have surgery. I'm sure everything will go well.
    Buster the dog would come over and hang out and harass your squirrels if he got the chance.

    Oh dear, about the license plate. Most unfortunate.
    Perhaps a little reading of the sermon on the mount might not go amiss.
    One is assuming the car owner is Christian (sort of). Not a good week.....
    If only people would practice what their religions suggest.......(then I would have to shut up and not be priggish and preachy......)oh my!

  6. I like the pool party very much.. so cute birds.

    Thanks for your comment and thank you very much for your concern about my country.

    Happy week!

  7. maybe the license plate had nothing to do with the car itself. maybe it's just a person who's "got God" and happens to drive a Mercedes. sometimes I see license plates that are completely unrelated to the car they're on, like 'cat lvr' or "usarox". just a thought.
    that woodpecker is gorgeous!! you get the best animal pictures!

  8. Love all the greenery and flowers and birds and my favorite squirrel. I love day lillies.

  9. Your feeders are always active, aren't they? But my what great pictures you get from them.

    Do your frozen tootsies help keep the rest of you cooled off at least?

  10. I can't believe how many animals you have visit your yard. I would love a clothes line too. :) Sad there is no tax time piggy picture. Maybe next week.

  11. I love your bird pictures... and the ceramic bowl is gorgeous!

  12. GREAT WEEK! I love all your bird's!

    Is that Aug 9th for your surgery?


  13. You dealing with Ice Cube Toes makes me remember all the days in class when I was a kid. I mean, I have VERY vivid memories of wearing sandals and shorts to school because it was crazy HOT in Arkansas, both at the beginning of the school year and the end. But when we'd come in from recess, the classrooms would feel like the inside of a refrigerator to me. And I was miserable the whole time! I literally suffered through class. Good thing I was a good student with no attention problems. Can you imagine?

  14. Beautiful nature photos once again, but The Bug looks pretty good too!
    So you really want us to come for 'the party' in a couple weeks?
    I trust you have plenty of help lined up for the weeks after.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...