Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Miscellany - the Patriotic Edition

I missed doing a Monday Miscellany post last week – we were at my Dad’s house & apparently I wasn’t feeling very miscellaneous. Oh wait – I think I posted my Poetry Jam poem on Monday. Or something like that. Most likely I was just being slack. I know you’re really glad to see that I’m not skipping it this week.

·         At the funeral last week I stood in line with the family shaking hands. I enjoyed meeting friends & family from Dr. M’s past. Especially the “young” lady who went straight to him (skipping me) & then when I was introduced to her as his wife, gave me quite the evil glare. I guess she had decided that he’s a good catch & wanted to get to know him again. I was so sorry to foil her plans. (Just imagine that last statement dripping with sarcasm).

·         Regarding the first grade picture from yesterday’s post, I had just had my hair cut & we obviously hadn’t quite figured out what to do with it, and I apparently forgot to tell my mom that it was picture day. You would not have wanted to be in our house when she saw the pictures. I like how pitiful I look. People don’t expect as much from pitiful children. Heh.

·         I took a break from writing this post to vacuum and mop. Which of course, reminded me of this post. Ratchenfrachet. I have such dark evil thoughts when I vacuum. I think that for my spiritual wellbeing I should just stop doing it altogether.

·         Dr. M doesn’t know it yet, but I am probably going to hang pictures this week. If you think about it you might want to pray for our walls. And our marriage.

·         Hey, I think it’s some sort of holiday today. Something about the birth of our nation. So often I think that we would be better off if we thought of ourselves as citizens of the world instead of just this piece of real estate. But for today, I’ll set aside my cynicism & celebrate the pure moxie it took to try to break free from England. Can you even imagine? First there’s the thought, and then there’s the speaking it out loud to other people & then the next thing you know there’s a legal document and George Washington. It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? We’re not perfect, but we’re pretty amazing anyway. Oh beautiful for spacious skies indeed!


  1. Happy Monday to you! Oh, and Happy 4th and all that rot (had to borrow a phrase from the deep roots of our country's past). Personally I think that pixie picture is too adorable for words. Everyone is entitled to a bad hair day or eight on the day of school pictures. I have my share as well.

    A history professor of mine once said that the British let us win the war--guess they were tired of all the whining. When you stack up the resources and training of the Brits against a fledgling militia... Anyway, what matters is that we were free at last. And we are pretty amazing, whining notwithstanding. I'm dang proud.

  2. I was laughing out loud and my husband ask me what was so funny! I read this to him.

    "I was so sorry to foil her plans. (Just imagine that last statement dripping with sarcasm).

    As for that first grade picture, I had one like that, too. I don't know what my mother was thinking. My bangs were so crooked.

  3. Oh! And happy fourth!

  4. well, there was a pretty big ocean in between.

  5. Love it! Just what I need this morning... a good dose of The Bug and her wonderfully amusing views of life! Happy 4th to you and Dr. M!

  6. I had to go back and was that a home cut or did you mom actually pay someone to do that?

  7. I'm not fond of hanging pictures, but I'm always glad I did. You have to check out this link; it seems involved (and omg, the math involved!), but it really does make a big difference:

    And I hear you about the vacuuming. I've been wondering if a fancy Dyson might make me less likely to kill someone...

  8. Happy 4th of July - no hard feelings! I always thought we were a bit greedy in those days. Tell Carolyn that Dyson vacs aren't all that special (even if they were invented by a Brit!) - you still have to empty the darn things!!

  9. ha. anything to get out of vacuuming...i tried to get m doc to say i was allergic...smiles. hope you have a wonderful day today bug...those founding fathers did not take the easy road...perhaps we should study more history...

  10. Ha...loved the gal trying to give you the evil eye at the funeral line. That sounds like a great line for a poem or novel.

  11. There is a lot here to make me smile. All of it, really. And ending with your sentiments about the 4th of July, which so match my own, I was smiling deep inside.

    By the way, I think you look quite lovely your previous post's school picture. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with your look, and your hair. If we had looked that good in our school pictures, we'd have been thrilled. I'm thinking of too many bad haircuts with bangs asymmetrical and too short, or with bed head, etc.

  12. My problem with school pictures was trying to "improve" what I'd left the house looking like. My poor mom.

    Citizenship -- Phil 3:20

    but I do love the privilege of being an American!


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