Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Last night just before I drifted off to sleep I said to Dr. M, “I did jack all this weekend, didn’t I?” And it was true. I got groceries. Washed dishes once. Wandered around the yard looking at things. Took a two hour nap yesterday. Nevertheless, I do have a few miscellaneous things to mention.

  • Saturday night Dr. M & I went up to the Piatt Castles to hear a talk given by a man who has written a biography of Donn Piatt – one of the brothers who built one of the castles. Donn was apparently a piece of work and not afraid to speak his considerable mind. And he fought in the civil war, having had to enlist as a private because he annoyed Mr. Lincoln too much to be appointed a general. Afterward I heard him compared to Rush Limbaugh, but I still plan to read the biography once it’s published.
  • On our way home from the Castles we saw thousands of lightning bugs. Well maybe not thousands, but it sure looked like thousands. And then we passed by an airfield & they were having a balloon glow. It was kind of a magical ride home (possibly less magical for Dr. M, who was driving).
  • I’m pretty sure the Reds need a new closer. Not that I’m an expert or anything, but 3 blown saves out of 4 games might be a sign. Just saying.
  • Upon the advice of my former boss I’ve been using baby wipes to wash my face at night (I may have mentioned this before). Wow, they are a lot cheaper than my Olay Facials. And they come in all these delicious flavors (I got cucumber aloe or some such yesterday). I had no idea, having avoided the baby aisle for lo these many years.
  • My surgery is four weeks from today. Yikes! I had another round of “I’m not decrepit enough to need surgery. I’m getting around just fine. I don’t wanna!” And then I remembered that I take 2400 mg of ibuprofen and one vicodin every day and that maybe that’s not really good for me, long term. And also, vacuuming did me in for two days afterward. I know, I know, I’ve gone through this before but I’m sure this will not be the last you hear of the subject before August 8th. If the surgery weren’t so early I’d probably get up & post the same refrain that very morning!
OK, that’s enough miscellany for today. What are you guys up to?

P.S. Here's a link showing a picture of a balloon glow.


  1. Castles in America?

    And what's a balloon glow?

    And get yourself that new hip!

  2. I'll add a link to a picture, but basically a balloon glow is when they light up hot air balloons at night.

  3. I think it sounds like you've had a very lovely weekend, hip issues notwithstanding. The balloon glow picture looks fab. And of course fireflies are the queens of summer nights!

    I check out the castles web site, and of course had to look at the wedding photos. So glad a Scottish wedding was in evidence, and was absolutely tickled to see the dog decked out in bridal attire in another picture. Interesting to see what passes as a castle in this country! Heh.

  4. In the Smokies they make a big deal out of the "mating lightning bugs" every summer. They have shuttles going from Sugarlands Visitor Center. I've never been, but I've heard it's quite a sight!

  5. Four weeks. Not long. I wonder what your recovery time will be. We have big balloon glows here is St Louis once a year, but I have never gone. The crowds are more than I can handle. Lightening bugs remind me of my childhood.

  6. first of all doing nothing much is one thing that makes a weekend a good one. Secondly I love lightning bugs as they remind me of Iowa and I went to a balloon glow in Iowa one year and it was way cool. And lastly, Derek Jeter is a cutie.

  7. Your weekend sounded so decadent. I love how you "walked around the yard looking at stuff." Perfect!
    As for being too young to be decrepit, I suspect we all think that, even the really old decrepit ones.

  8. sometimes mooching about at a weekend is exactly what you need though - it's not really a time for purpose, is it?

  9. I celebrate your weekend.

    Balloon glow sounds way cool. I've never seen a nighttime balloon fest.

    As for baby wipes, how wonderful. I am guessing I'll be learning lots of new secrets and tips when my new grandbaby enters the world.

  10. The balloon glow looks absolutely stunning!

    I know the trepidation you feel re the hip replacement. It's not the current pain, even the's the uncertainty. It will go well and you'll be a new woman. Now go forth and change your mantra.

  11. napping sounds like a lovely-relaxing weekend pastime. we love lightening bugs. and a balloon glow? i've never seen such a thing. love your misc. ;)


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