Monday, July 18, 2011

Let me tell you a story...

I spent some time in Africa.
But I’m no Isak Denisen -
I wrote no memoir.
I remember the big big sky
and beautiful people.
I remember nshima
and the Toyota truck
that I drove on the
wrong side of the road.
(Yes, this is as terrifying
as you might imagine.)
I remember wondering
how I came to be wearing
that missionary mask
and I remember the care
with which I stored it
when I came home.

This is a Magpie Tale. Please head here to read other tales.


  1. I am going to have to start thinking of you as 'baby bug!'

    I can't imagine how amazing your African experience must have been ... great Magpie.

  2. Oh, this was such a treat. thanks for sharing your experience and what a perfect post for the mask!

  3. Yes... a perfect match, and what a wonderful life experience. I'm sure you have lots to write about from it!

  4. Cool tale, great photograph!

  5. I love the notion of you storing the missionary mask upon your arrival home.

  6. Thanks for this intriguing Magpie.


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