Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drop the Ball

People of Chilmark, Thomas Hart Benton, 1920

Drop the Ball

I can tie my laces and look the part.
I can admire their grace and watch the art.
Reach deep inside with dogged drive,
and while they glide and run and thrive...

winded, I inspect the ball in my hand.
Does it get thrown, or rolled, or hit with a stick?
And where was I going with it anyway?
I drop the ball.
And head back to the bench
where I belong.

This is a Magpie Tale. Please go here to check out other tales based on the image above.


  1. Great poem. I know the feeling... "Why did I walk into this room again?"... "What was I going to do with this peice of paper in my hand?" :o)

  2. You bench-warmer you ... your poem is fun!

  3. Practise makes perfect..try again, although the poem is so fine!!

  4. It was always thus with me in school in the sports division...sadly! love the poem!

  5. So much happening here. I like it.

  6. You definitely don't belong on the porch!

  7. I love this - and can relate completely!

  8. We all lose the plot occasionally :)

  9. Let me just say, while I really like the poem, I love Thomas Hart Benton's art.

  10. I can definitely relate! Great poem!

  11. Boy, can I identify with this. How many times I've dropped the ball or felt like I did.

  12. Love this - I often lose the plot.

    Anna :o]


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