Saturday, July 2, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Seven

Here is another week of entirely too many pictures. I’m not sure why I keep apologizing for that – it’s not like I plan to take fewer pictures or anything. Heh.

Sunday, June 26th
Dr. M took some pictures of the birds in my dad’s yard. It’s like a rainbow…

On his way to his dad’s house later that day of course he found some sheep. Imagine!

I had asked him to take pictures of some of the flowers at his mom’s grave. The first arrangement was sent by our neighbors here in Ohio. Thanks K & R!

Monday, June 27th
I roamed around Daddy & Amy’s yard taking pictures of flowers (and one thing that is not a flower).

Tuesday, June 28th  
On Tuesday we headed home by way of Roan Mountain. You can see our other pictures here.

Here is the State of the Bug: Now when exactly is that surgery scheduled?

Wednesday, June 29th
I took a picture of our flowers out front. As predicted, it’s a daisy casplosion.

Here’s the plant my sister-in-law sent to the funeral – we liked it so much we brought it home with us.

Thursday, June 30th     
The squirrel of the week.

And, no, we don’t have a menagerie in the back yard. Really!

Friday, July 1st
It’s the Tax Time Pig getting ready to set off some fireworks!

I thought you might like to see the whole tableau.

This 18 wheeler pulled right out in front of me on my way home. You probably can’t read it but it says “Swifty Gas.” You, sir are not swift under any possible definition of the word!

Saturday, July 2nd  
Today Dr. M & I went out for brunch & then to the Lowes for important household items (squeegee for the shower & potting soil – woot!). We decided to meander a bit before heading home. We missed getting a picture of the doe and fawn we saw, but I did manage to capture these fine fellows instead.

When we got home I took a couple of pics of the yard. Our first tomatoes! It might be a little bit before we actually eat these.

The geranium-in-a-can that we over wintered (see here for its out of control winter picture) has finally decided that maybe it might bloom.

Then while I was working on this post Dr. M grabbed the camera chip from me & took a picture of this chickadee on our suet cage! What a cutie.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Isn't it nice to have so many things to take photos of! Just a few months ago we had ice, snow and nothing much green or of color. I noticed you had on some sketchers. I have some. How do you like yours? When I first started wearing mine, I had pains every where and my knees hurt a lot. I later found out you weren't suppose to wear them all day. But I like mine, now that I know how to use them.

  2. I really like them a lot - I have some heel pain because of standing on one leg all the time (because of my hip) & these help with that a lot. I got a pair of mary jane skechers too for work.

  3. Well I don't know where to start, but how about with those gorgeous birds? They're so pretty. Tax Pig cracks me up. He's so patriotic.

    If your heel hurts, try, when sitting of course, to roll a golf ball under your foot. It works.

  4. do you know - i really love the tax time pig, he deserves his own website :)

  5. Love the bird pics but I think the flower pics are my favorite. I felt like I could reach out & touch them

  6. Don't be sorry about too many pictures...we aren't! They are all so beautiful, I'm not sure how you would rule some out.

    Glad your trip went well, even if it had to be for a funeral.

    Are you having hip surgery??

  7. usa pig is my fav of all his outfits...
    such a beautiful indoor plant from the funeral...prayers to all

  8. You and hubby were able to capture some beautiful shots this week. Loving your daisy explosion!

  9. Great week, love all the flower pictures. I think taking pictures of flowers and foliage is one of my all time fav's....


  10. I've been MIA for a bit... so sorry to hear of the loss in the family :( Funerals - man - tough stuff!!!

    I can always count on some beautiful wildlife & flowers here... makes me smile

    & of course, the PIG! :)

  11. My patriotic tax time pig! Love it! I adore that berry picture. Very nice.

  12. I loved the birds, the flowers, the blackberries, the tax time pig and the mighty looking squirrel. I could almost smell the flowers. Thank you so much for sharing all of them with us.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...