Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Ah Monday, here you are again even though I’m not ready for you. Can we have another Sunday? I would even go to church again… No? Oh well, I guess I’ll just be miscellaneous instead.

·         I spent some quality time cleaning the shower doors on Saturday. The runners were disgusting. Apparently when we moved in I slapped at them with a rag & decided that there was no way to clean them. After spending Friday evening in a very clean home with a pristine bathroom I was inspired to try again. It took scrubbing bubbles, a toothbrush & a putty knife, but they look about 80% better.

·         Then we went to Meijer to do some random shopping (food, new welcome mat, bird seed). And that was that – I was useless for the rest of the weekend. I’m really looking forward to being able to restore my stamina.

·         Our home has gone to the birds. I am astounded by the number of birds milling around our back yard. Fortunately they all fly off as soon as I open the back door so I only occasionally think about Alfred Hitchcock.

·         I am trying to be more sociable. Dr. M & I had dinner with another couple on Friday (the aforementioned lovely home). We had a great time – great food, great conversation & ample entertainment in the form of their two dogs – a pomeranian and a greyhound. Now that’s Mutt & Jeff for you! On Tuesday I’m going to visit with a couple of ladies from church. Wednesday I’m having dinner with a former coworker. Next Saturday we’re having dinner with one of Dr. M’s colleagues. And the following Tuesday I’m having lunch with another former colleague. Whew! I think I’ll take a sabbatical from being sociable after that.

·         I’ve been meaning to share this picture but kept forgetting. Our neighbor was trying to get a picture of this dog’s blue eyes, but the dog wasn’t really cooperating. So he ended up with one of the funniest dog pictures I’ve seen in a while.

Well I think that’s enough miscellany for now. Have a great day!


  1. Give birds a little water and a little food and they will flock to your yard. Though really, I think it's the water that draws them the most. Sounds to me like socializing is not good for you. Makes you want to scrub the shower. No telling what you are going to be compelled to clean after all the dates you have lined up now.

  2. That dog picture cracks me up! Pomeranian and greyhound? Yes, Mutt and Jeff indeed. I love greyhounds!

    With all the socializing on your calendar I hope they are, each and every one of them, a pure delight.

  3. Now you've made me remember that I have to clean the bathroom. On the upside, though: we have a shower curtain--no doors.

    But thanks for nothing.

  4. I don't think I accomplished anything this weekend & it was perfect. My hubby had to go to work after having almost 2 weeks off & I'm missing him like crazy already.

    Hugs & love,

  5. I love Mondays on at your place.

    That dog pic is hilarious.

    80% better is pretty darned good. Can you imagine if you could be 80% smarter or 80% prettier, or 80% more productive? I've always thought it would be great if I could improve just 20%.

  6. Wow! That's a lot of socializing, but good for you! I have to get myself in the mood to do so, and then I take breaks as well.

    LOVE that dog photo. You're right - one of the funniest ever! I'm sure the photographer could use it in a greeting card contest -- hallmark cards does them. I'll bet they'd buy that!

  7. Where and when did you shed that cocoon? It's fun being a social butterfly for awhile.

    The little hot dog is cute.


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