Saturday, July 9, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Eight

Well ladies & gentlemen, this week was a scorcher here in Ohio. Not by Texas standards, mind you, but I was pretty hot, & really that’s all that matters to me. Except in my office where the temperature was set at, oh, 68 or so, according to the goose bumps on my arms. Not that any of these pictures have anything to do with that. I just wanted to share.

Sunday, July 3rd  
I did go to church on Sunday, but otherwise Dr. M & I just hung around the homestead getting pictures of our usual suspects. Woodpecker.

Weekly squirrel – hey, squirrels need to drink too!

Monday, The 4th of July
I just realized while organizing my pictures for the week that I don’t have any patriotic ones for today. Except, here is the Watering Man surveying his kingdom in his patriotic duds.

And it’s a patriotic squash from my dad’s garden that looks like a penguin. Don’t you think?

And here’s Part I of the State of the Bug. Trying something new with my hair, I wore these overnight. Please note the red & blue curlers and the patriotic earrings in my ears.

Tuesday, July 5th   
State of the Bug Part II. Hmm. I’m not sure sleeping in curlers was worth this look of almost bendiness in my hair. And of course with the high humidity around here even that small amount of bendiness was gone by the time I got to work.

Look! It’s a whole new color of daylily! Ellen - I still don’t think this is one of the ones that you sent, but one of those is getting ready to bloom.

The orange ones are still plugging along.

Wednesday, July 6th  
Dr. M took this one on his way to school on Wednesday. I just love the golden color.

Thursday, July 7th      
We haven’t had a bird-taking-a-bath picture in a while. Dr. M decided to rectify that.

Friday, July 8th
Our geranium farm.

The garden is doing quite well.

Why, here’s a bug in the garden!

Saturday, July 9th
The dandelions will find a way.

Yes, we still have daisies.

And we still have our flag out – see we were patriotic, we just didn’t take any pictures of it until today.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. These are all beautiful pictures... I like your whimsical comments, too!

  2. My hair seems to do the same's just not worth the trouble is it?

    I don't think I've ever seen a bird actually taking a bath in a birdbath;)....way cool. Thanks for sharing!

    Daisies are my FAVORITE...used them in my wedding!:)

  3. love the roller picture!!! I need to take a picture of me in my rollers next time :)

    That squash looks like a goose (or duck) with his head down!!! Seriously!!!!!

  4. Like the squash and the straw, but most of all I love, love, love the rollers! I'd actually go with the leaving them in look - no probs with the humidity then. Great look, and you could colour co-ordinate with what you plan to wear the next day!

  5. The curlers gave you some nice waves at least; you look lovely! I've given up trying with my hair. Even without the Midwest humidity and despite using colossal amounts of hair mousse, any bit of wave is gone within a couple hours. *sigh*

    Like Tiffany, I also used daisies in my wedding :) Love 'em!

    Great photos...and I'm jealous of your gorgeous garden.

  6. It looks like you had a most excellent week.

    I have curly hair, which I why I wear it short, but I'm never happy with the way it looks. Ever. If it's clean, I can't do a thing with it. If it's one day past a shampoo, it's almost perfect for styling, but sticks up every which way it can, and especially around the cowlicks. Who came up with that term? Looks like a cow licked it?

    Anywho, I found a great product this past week. Tigi's Salt Spray. Apply to clean, damp hair and dry as usual. The result? THe hair, while clean, behaves like day old dirty hair without any oil. This may work to help you keep a curl.

    Just sayin'. Better than overnight curlers.

  7. My hair does nothing, so I don't even bother.

    I think the squash looks more like a goose because of the way the stem looks at the top. But I can see it as a penguin too.

    BTW I finally did a post on how my son hurt his toe if you were still interested. :) It's the one right before the 365 post.

  8. Love your intro...I was hot and that's really all that matters. That's about as blunt as you can put it and also true. :)

    I wouldn't even know how to put curlers in my hair, so you are way ahead of me. :)

  9. love all your pics, but the robing taking a bath are my favorites. Have a great week

  10. love all your pics, but the robing taking a bath are my favorites. Have a great week

  11. it is so hot here that all my flowers have burned up....seriously. sad.

    Your curlers reminded me of how I used to straighten my hair when I was young...a pony tail on top with my hair around a juice can!!!

  12. The daylily and birdbath pictures are awesome!

    Ah, the humidity. The reason I walk out the door in the morning and immediately wonder why I bothered (a) showering, (b) doing my hair and (c) putting on makeup :).

  13. I have those same curlers and my grand kids love to play with them. I tried taking photos of them last week with them..but they came out too blurry. I think they gave your hair a great look.
    Green tomatoes always make me hungry for them fried the way my Dad used to make them.

  14. Great pictures this week. My hair doesn't hold a curl no matter what I do so I've stopped trying!

    Hugs & love,

  15. the bird bathing was too cute, and that orange lily is SO pretty!! I also really liked the hayfield picture. I'm a sucker for landscapes.

  16. I just loved this! My favorite was of you in the curlers. My dear, you looked rather fetching in the after photo.

    I cracked up at the last photo of the bird in the birdbath series. I clicked to enlarge it and he's hilarious!

  17. I just loved this! My favorite was of you in the curlers. My dear, you looked rather fetching in the after photo.

    I cracked up at the last photo of the bird in the birdbath series. I clicked to enlarge it and he's hilarious!

  18. Love your hair! I must try! I adore the round bales of hay. And I like the New Basics cookbook luring in the background.

  19. When I had LONG hair, I set my hair like that every single night. My secret for long-lasting curls? Dry hair, but set with hair gel. I used to use Breck way back then, but I'm sure any good hair gel you prefer would work now. (You know what kind I am addicted to!) In the morning, use a wide-bristled brush and fluff it out. La!

  20. So jealous of that green tomato. I love your hair and your new profile picture is great BTW. Love the bird bathing and the flowers. Beauty!

  21. Swap you our rain for your heat!

    Great results from hanging around the old homestead!

  22. We did not do any traditional 4th of July activities this year. Not even ear rings.....

    Great shots this week!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...