Saturday, April 30, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Wow – lots of pictures this week. Hope you enjoy them! (Yes, this is what I said last week. And the week before.).

Sunday, April 24th
Here’s the weekly squirrel.

Doves in a tree. They’re usually on the ground under our feeder (check out Saturday’s picture).

Monday, April 25th
I wandered around the yard taking pictures. Here are a couple of four leaf clovers (actually one of them has at least 6 leaves – I kept checking & there was only one stem).

This silly dandelion thinks it’s a daisy.

Tuesday, April 26th
Dr. M took a couple of pictures on his way home from school. Here are some lovely tulips.

Here’s the Mad River – there’s a LOT of extra water in there!

I took this one on my way home.

This one is self explanatory. Sigh.

Wednesday, April 27th
On Wednesday I spent some time during my lunch hour listening to my audio book at a local park. It’s still just a tad too cool to sit out at one of the picnic tables under the trees so I sat in my car. I did get out to try to get a good picture of all the little flowers.

Thursday, April 28th       
The State of the Bug. I was so cold in my office that I decided to take my break out in the car listening to my book. The bright sun created a nice warm sauna in the car & I very nearly nodded off – so I thought I should document that. Do you know how hard it is to simulate nappishness while holding your arm up to take a picture?

On my way home I saw Clifford, the Big Red Truck! I love Clifford.

A rainbow! It was sort of gauzy looking one. I think if you click on the picture to make it larger you can see it better.

Dr. M caught a finch enjoying the cement pond.

Friday, April 29th  
I took a picture of the Simpson’s sky on my way home from work.

Dr. M took a lot of pics on his way home – I narrowed it down to these.

Saturday, April 30th
This morning Dr. M took a picture of the bird feeder ground clean-up crew. They work diligently to rid the ground of any trace of bird seed.

Yes, last week he had bunny ears on. This week he’s wearing Martha Goose’s gardening hat.

I’m going to try to go soft drink free. However, since I don’t drink coffee I thought I might want another caffeine source. I’m heating up water to brew tea. We’ll see how that goes!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Y'know, I'm starting to think the squirrels take turns ("Hey man, you got to go last week and I just got my tail done...")

    The tulips were so pretty and vibrant. It's nice to see such color when the weather keeps giving glimpses of nice days and then delving back into gloom.

  2. I can never figure out how you take such good pictures of yourself. And I love your tea kettle!

  3. Let's hope the water doesn't approach the banks of the river. That is quite high.

    Love the cow.

  4. Love the tea kettle, brings back memories. Mom had a special tea kettle she made tea in every week for us to drink. Not sure what happened to it.

  5. ugh those gas prices are high!!! We hit 3.79 this week for regular and I thought THAT was bad!!!

    love all the flowers!! mine all got destroyed in the storm! :(

  6. Yesterday i did fill-up-the-tank-avoidance and took the bus. The bus @ $3.00 wouldn't have even bought me a gallon of gasoline. Your pictures are enjoyable. Lindsay was very annoyed at a couple of robins fighting over a worm the other day. When my cataracts are fixed I will be able to take neat pictures again. Thanks for sharing, Bug. =D

  7. Our gas is creeping up as well... it was 3.89 when I drove by yesterday. I still have half a tank of gas and I'm wondering if I should fill up now, or wait!Our gas ALWAYS goes up on payday and towards the weekends tho.
    I use a tea pot as well!!! I wanted one for SOOOOOOOOO long... and then I just finally got one... LOL

  8. Great week. YIKES to those gas prices...ours is up to 3.71 here and I thought THAT was ridiculous. I love sitting in a warm car...makes me feel so cozy. And I love hot tea (not so much in the summer, but when I'm cold it's a staple!) Your tea kettle is very it.

  9. fabulous pictures this week! my favorites are the mad river and the yellow finch at the cement pond.

  10. I guess I like Friday's pictures the best, especially the redbud and the violets.

  11. Such spring-y pictures this week! Tea from an actual kettle? Love it! But I could never give up Coke!

  12. I don't think I could give up my Diet Pepsi!

    You had lots of great pics this week.

    Have a great week,

  13. If only we could just mainline the caffeine :)

    Lovely photos... my hubby took most of mine this week too. What would we do without these men?! LOL

    Why is your office so cold?

  14. I think you simulated nappishness very well. Loved the mad river and the park shots. It's still t-shirt weather here (having our summer early for some reason this year).

  15. Thanks! I was photographing some of the little violets, etc., when I saw the honey bee. It was busy, go figure, so I was lucky to get it in focus. Dr. M

  16. What wonderful nature pictures. I enjoyed every one of them. I keep trying to get a squirrel and some birds...but the only ones who sit still for me are the buzzards.

  17. Nice round-up! Gas prices stink here too...I can't imagine your 40 miles each way! Ouch!

    Love the sheepish one... and the sleepish one too!

  18. ugh... gas prices... lets not talk about it.

    I always love storm clouds... but I'm sick of 'em now.

  19. Wow...what a week. Love all the outdoor pictures. You should get an oscar for your portrayal of a sleeping woman...totally looked like you were asleep. Gas prices here in CA are $4.25 a gallon...geez.

  20. Well, at least tea is healthier for you than soda!

    Your gas prices still don't compare to ours. It's been over $4 for at least a month and a half. At some places it's $4.39

    No tax time pig this week? He didn't change his clothes. Love the sheep though, guess we'll be seeing more of him (her).

  21. Love the phenomenon of the napping self-portrait!

  22. Too many favorites: the violets and all the wildflowers; the pretty kettle and the thought of tea; the gauzy rainbow (liked that adjective); and most of all you in 'nappish' mode! :)

  23. I ADORE the picture of the bee!!! (And I don't even really like bees.) It's just beautiful.

    Great pictures all around!!

    Also--I'm thinking what YOU need is some kombucha to drink. Since you're going sans soft drinks and all. :) Let me know if you're interested. It's fun to brew and experiment with. And I think it's awesome with pizza or burgers and the like. Because it has a soft drink quality. Plus it's very good for you!!

  24. I love the weekly squirrel almostva much as the tax time pig. Lol. I just paid 4.29 for gas per gallon. It is ridiculous. You did look sleepy in your picture. Love your hair.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...