Saturday, April 2, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Fourteen

Well, Dr. M is back with the majority of the pictures this week. And that’s good because the Tax Time pig didn’t have a new outfit so I don’t know what I would have been taking pictures of. Ha!

Sunday, March 27th      
I guess Sunday is our day to have the weekly squirrel because here’s another one. Although we do have one more this week.

I took this picture. It’s not very good, but the important thing to focus on is the blue lines through ALL the final four teams I had listed. This sucker went into the recycle bin shortly after this picture.

Monday, March 28th  
Dr. M took this on his way to school.

And I took this on my way home from work. I think it would be a lot of fun to go up in a balloon someday – I’ll have to remember this picture so I know who to call.

Tuesday, March 29th
Robin in our back yard. I love the colors in this picture for some reason.

The University deer herd.

And Stumpy the Squirrel in action.

Wednesday, March 30th
The State of the Bug. I used this picture in my Thankful Thursday post. This was my reaction to seeing some snowflakes. Some might say I overreacted, but I think not. Heh.

Thursday, March 31st      
It’s a finch!

Friday, April 1st  
Another sunrise on Dr. M’s way to work.

Woodpecker in the back yard.

Saturday, April 2nd
Dr. M & I finally made it back to the Siebenthaler Fen. We had promised to go once a month, but we missed March due to the rude weather. We really enjoyed the walk, although it didn’t really feel any warmer than the last time we were there. Brr. But look – much dryer!

And there were green things and flowers growing.

I’m just a little windblown.

Navigating the planks.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. It looks like little hints of spring. Wonderful wonderful pictures.

  2. Great pictures. Love the bird pics, esp. the yellow one (not sure what kind;) We are in full Spring bloom here in the southeast...lovin' it!

  3. Ooh, I do like that fen! It looks very interesting.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dr. M here. The yellow bird is the male goldfinch, dressed to impress this time of year :-). I have a couple of goldfinch pics, as well as other Ohio bird pics, on my blog:

    Also, the yellow flowers are commonly called swamp marigolds. The fen is so very interesting, Argent!

  6. Great pics! We awoke to many birds melodies this morning. I get excited when I see finches and hummingbirds.

  7. well, that would have been my look too had I seen snow flakes this week!!!

  8. You have more spring than we do. I'm green with envy.

  9. Ah, I loved the little yellow flowers. And that sky on Dr. M's way to work, amazing!

    I'd be shocked at more snow too! Isn't it time for that to go away now? Don't visit my blog cuz' you might hate me after that. We had sun, and temps in the 80's, which may sound great but really delivers a shock to your system when you are not used to it.

  10. great the yellow flowers

  11. I always say it but your pictures are ALWAYS SO good!!! You (and Dr. M) capture nature so perfectly, I can almost feel what it is like. I had one team in the final four, but I was the only one in my pool with anyone left. Crazy bracket this year.

  12. Great week this week Bug! Loving the signs of spring in your neck of the woods. More snow...NO way...I hope it didn't stay! It was HOT this week...we broke records and reached 100* twice. Loving the yellow flowers!

  13. Love this post. It takes me back to times spent in various wetlands. Fascinating.

  14. It's so fun to see Spring arriving on your blog! Seems the squirrels are feeling more frisky with the warming weather too. lol
    I would have had the exact same look if I'd seen snowflakes :) Surely do hope they'll all be gone by the time we get to the U.S. in a month! ¡No quiero nieve!

  15. love to see all the signs of spring - flowers - buds - and all the birds.

  16. I love the last group of pictures! what a beautiful place to go walking!!

  17. I haven't seen any little flowers here yet! It's snowing here at the moment. *sigh*

    Love the birds.

    Hugs & love,

  18. you should definately go up in a baloon: it's a really interesting experience.

    Just don't book it for a birthday present - as when we went up in one it got cancelled four times due to weather before finally going ahead. Its a wonder the Montgolfier brothers ever managed it

  19. love the little yellow flowers

    great picture this week!

    Have a great week!

  20. I love the pussywillow picture! And, you will proud, I recognize the Fen!

  21. Navigating the planks looks scary. I would have fallen :)
    My bracket hit the trash too. Sheesh this year was all kinds of crazy.

  22. How do you take such good pictures of yourself? So photogenic!
    ALL nature shots are amazing.
    I especially enjoyed seeing the green grass popping up everywhere.

  23. I totally laughed at your "reaction" to snow!!! I think I had the same look when I saw snow.

    Dont feel bad - I think everyone has a screwed up NCAA bracket this year.

  24. Love the nature. I look so forward to seeing your pictures each week. Love them!


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