Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Here are the things making me smile this week.

It’s been a stormy April – and I haven’t been loving all the rain – but these moody skies are just gorgeous to me. No overcast sky here – we’ve got big billowy annoyed looking masses of fluff. It’s beautiful to me and somewhat cancels out the rain. Not really, but I’m trying!

I’ve been doing my pre-op “exercises” for my hip and I think that, combined with the extra ibuprofen I’ve been taking, they are helping with some of my hip pain. It’s been holding steady at a 4 (instead of a 9) for a few days now. But, shhh! Don’t tell Dr. M – he might want me to mow {and all of that is ludicrous because a. he reads my blog and b. he has a lot more pain on a regular basis than I do}.

I spent some time the other day outside roaming around our yard taking pictures of things. This is noteworthy because it was warm enough to roam around outside taking pictures of things and there were things to take pictures of!

Now, enquiring minds want to know - what are you smiling about? If you want to link up just leave a comment with your link & I’ll insert the link here.


  1. Well it looks like you've much to be thankful for. I'm thankful I've not had to wear but my lab coat in the evenings. Also, and this is important, it's one day closer to next Wednesday's Neil Young concert. Woot!

  2. I am thankful that I don't have to wear a jacket to go to work in the morning! (I should, it was 22 degrees this morning, but I don't have to!!)

  3. Yikes! Hip surgery sounds daunting! Those are gorgeous pictures. We've got lots of excellent blooms around here too. I should definitely take the time to be thankful for them!

  4. I love a good storm, and a good stormy sky is particularly pleasing. I'm glad the hip exercises are helping. Did they not offer those previously to help you with your pain? Love your dandelion--very showy among the leaves.

  5. The progress on lowering your pain level is plenty to be thankful for!

  6. The dandelion was funny. It grew up right in the midst of our daisies (nowhere near time for them to bloom) as if it was one of them :-) My wife's superpower is finding four-leaf clovers.

  7. I miss the rain. There is nothing more romantic than reading a book while listening to the rain fall.

    But today I am thankful for the cool front that came last night - it was 62 this morning and high today will only be 85! Perfect walking weather.

  8. I miss a good thunderstorm and angry clouds. I don't miss tornadoes though just a good rumbling. Lower pain is always a thankful thing.

  9. I am smiling today cause when I saw the baby wren and got too close, it started making the danger screech at me. the little thing is learning to talk!

  10. I forgot to tell you that we took lots of red barn photos when we drove through Ohio on our way to Chicago. It was such a pretty drive.

    I hope you get real spring weather very soon... the warm variety!

  11. Ooops- I missed it again. Glad you are feeling a bit better. I am adjusting to mowing for the first time in my life! Because now I am the one with less pain than J- poor guy!


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