Saturday, April 23, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

Wow – lots of pictures this week. Hope you enjoy them! (Yes, this is what I said last week. I think it’s safe to say that it will be this way until at least midsummer – it’s the drama of all the flowers & birds we can’t resist). 

Dr. M has a post today which is really hilarious - about a couple of "lovebirds" sitting on the bar above our swing. He really is a nut - you should definitely check it out. Who doesn't need to see fat doves making eyes at each other? Click here.

Sunday, April 17th
Here’s the weekly squirrel.


This robin is really enjoying the cement pond.

Monday, April 18th
We have a lot of pictures for Monday. This is the first of what I’m sure will be many pictures of redwing blackbirds. Dr. M finds them fascinating. I love the contrast of the red & black.

Dr. M took flower pictures on his way home from school.

And I took a picture of one of the trees in the parking lot at work.

One of these things is not like the others… We were amused at the really large dandelion in this picture :)

Tuesday, April 19th
Dr. M got to paint a rock as part of his school’s Relay for Life campaign. He has named the rock George – I think he’s great!

Wednesday, April 20th
As you may be aware, we are sheep lovers in our household. I got the bright idea to put bunny ears on this one. I think it’s too cute!

Thursday, April 21st       
Continuing the bunny theme, my old boss at work dressed up as a bunny to promote a kid’s “Pictures with the Easter Bunny” fund-raiser they were having that evening. This is the State of the Bug – highly amused!

Dr. M took pictures of ducks at a park on his way home from school.

Friday, April 22nd  
Well, here we are again with the Tax Time Pig dressed as, guess what? A bunny! I don’t know how I missed this one last year.

Dr. M took some more flower pictures. Love love love tulips!

A starling enjoying the suet holder our neighbor gave us.

Saturday, April 23rd
Yesterday was a sad day in the Bug household. The power company came through & lopped off the tops of a couple of trees in our neighbors’ back yards. We’re just hoping that there were no nests in the trees. Here is a woodpecker wondering where the rest of his tree is.

Fortunately he found our next door neighbor’s suet to help soothe his anxiety. Wow, that’s what I use food for too!

Dr. M attended an awards luncheon at school on Thursday & won this award! He was nominated by another employee & the committee selected him as the winner. I think he is a most worthy recipient. He’s worked hard this year.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. Congrats to Dr. Bug on his award! I need to go get some more flowers pics soon as this rain lets up!

  2. purdy pictures of the flowers and birds. I love my bird baths, watching them splash around.

  3. As always, love the flower and the squirrel pics. Yay to Dr. Bug for his award and I wish you much success in your battle of the bulge re: your upcoming surgery!

    (and I want to steal your sheep with the bunny ears and love the nubbins out of it. Way. Too. Cute.)

  4. I love the cardinal looking as he's playing peek-a-boo!

    Great photos! And congrats to Dr. M

  5. I liked all of the photos, but of course, the sheep speaks to me. The red wing blackbird is gorgeous, and so is that woodpecker.

    You've way more flowers than we have right now. Today was gorgeous, but the rest of the week was so cold.

  6. These are all great. My fav was the finch (?) amongst the dandelions. Congrats to Dr M on the award!

  7. Loved the doves story. :)

    SO delightful to see all the beautiful flower pictures! its about time!!

    Congrats to Dr. M!

    Happy Easter!

  8. So will your sheep be completing with the tax time pig to see who has the best outfits this year? :)

    Congrats on the award for Dr. M!

  9. LOVED THE PIG! This weeks pig was so funny. I really enjoyed all the nature pictures too. I love bird pictures. I don't think I have ever seen a redwinged blackbird

  10. the flowers this week were gorgeous. What was the first flower?

    Congrats to Dr. Bug!!! It's even more rewarding when your peers nominate you!

  11. Sara - that first flower is a fully open tulip - Dr. M took the picture looking straight down at it.

    Thanks for all the kudos - he really is a hard worker & cares about his students a LOT.

  12. I love a highly amused Bug! :) So cute

    I am a sheep lover myself & LOVED the bunny ears on it ... super cute!

    Look at that picture of the bird in the bird bath fluttering those wings - awesome picture!

    How cool is that rock!!!!! Very creative.

    GO MR. BUG!!!!

  13. Loving all of the flower photos this springy and Eastery! And that cardinal with it's pop of red. congrats to Dr M on his award...great job. and of course the pig has to be a bunny this time of year! And loving the bunny ears on your sheep...too cute!

  14. Stunning photos!
    Hilarious post, Dr. M, and super congrats on the award!
    The tax time creature, is it a 'punny' or a 'biggy'?
    Great Easter dress pic, Bug, and fun one with your Big Bunny Boss!

  15. I love the shot of the bird rolling around in the bird bath and the lamb & tax time "bunny" are great!

    Have a good week,

  16. Especially loved the yellow bird in the field of dandelions. For some reason that photo just made me smile real big :)

    Lookin' pretty chummy with the Easter bunny these days...trying to talk him into leaving you CHOCOLATE eggs? lol

    Speaking of chocolate, I am SOOOO excited that in just a little over a week I will be able to have some really good American chocolate :)

  17. Almost didn't recognize my friend the tax time pig. LOL too cute. Love the shot of you with the Easter bunny and of course all the flowers. my tree is just starting to bloom...a little. So jealous of all your flowers.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...