Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Poetry Bus - The Bug is All Wet

TotalFeckingEejit is driving his own bus this week! He had a fairly simple prompt:

Something a little different this week. There is a new website of Photography and writing HERE called Photograph Prose- 'The virtual collision of photographers and writers.' I saw it on Nuala NĂ­ ChonchĂșirs blog HERE and put 3 photos in and a bit of prose, which they took, real quick and painless. So painless that I want you to visit the site have a look at the pics and words already exhibited then visit the 'UP exhibit' (clickable along the top of the page) and choose a picture to inspire some words.

After writing our poem we could upload it to the site, but Niamh stole my picture! Heh. I found the one I wanted to write about (taken by our fearless leader, no less) but I had to think about it too long & when I went back she’d already written a poem about it. Very funny. So, anyway, to see the picture that inspired the poem below, go here and read her poem, Alone at Last.

[Update: TFE sent me the picture so I could post it here - thanks TFE!]

My poem, in addition to being inspired by TFE’s photo, was inspired by Reya’s post The Great Turning. At the end of the post she had a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, and the last verse grabbed my attention:

I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

--Rainer Maria Rilke

There is power in the distance.
Does it harness the hot wind
of my failed argument?
There is no peace in this sea.
I shall sit and explain
it to you again.
Will it make more sense
now that the tide
has receded?
I am not a storm
or an ocean
or even a calm sky.
I am a catfish pond,
murky and sustaining.
And that’s all you
really need to know.

Remember to go back to TFE’s post to read what other bus passengers have written.


  1. Wow, really like your poem Bug, and it shows that you put the thought into it, a seamless matching up with the picture.
    Sorry I stole it first!

  2. Someone I used to know, kept reminding me " You have a great big heart, use it!"
    Now I am passing it on to you. It is not a dare- it is a challenge and a promise in the same instant. Once we are aware of something we are responsible for it...
    We can choose to go around corners at any moment and perceive things from a whole new perspective. Walk on ! 'The longest journey is from the head to the heart' You and your writing are worthy of this. Thanks for posting and introducing a new person-

  3. You paint such a lovely picture with your words.

  4. oh Dana. good job. I like this a lot.

  5. Great poem for a great picture!! These images are being snapped up time please submit to us. We'd love to have you as one of our contributing authors :)

  6. Wonderfully done, Bug! Saw the picture with Niamh's words at the site, so I can completely visualise it.
    Love your take, and you are marvellous at a very particular Bug-bathos. The image of the catfish pond is instantly evocative, and so memorable.

  7. Fab poem,and perfect for the image. Maybe TFE will send you a copy of the photo, it might be something you would like to frame. Only a suggestion.

  8. Beautiful and well done! A catfish pond IS a a grey and surging storm.

  9. PS You is driving this weeks bus!
    Poems to be posted on Monday. Valentines Day!

  10. And if you want a copy of the photo , I could email one?


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